Water Resources
Maharashtra is the third largest of India considering population as well as area. The population of the state is about 112 million. Nearly 58% of population lives in rural area which depends largely on agriculture for their livelihood. Geographical area of State is 30.7 M ha. out of which cultivable area is 22.5 Mha. The rainfall varies from 400 mm to 6000 mm. Entire state is traversed by five river basins viz. Krishna, Godavari, Tapi, Narmada, and West Flowing rivers in Konkan region. Annual average available yield for entire Maharashtra state drained by above river basins is to the tune of 163820 Mm3 (5785 TMC). The highly variable rainfall in Maharashtra ranging from 400 to 6000 mm occurs in 4 months period. Rainy days varying from 40 to 100 days. Annual availability of water resources consists of 164 km3 of surface water & 20.5 km3 of subsurface water. An installed capacity of 3605 MW has been created through 58 Hydro Power Projects which generate approximately 4000 million units annually. An estimated 49% of the area of these river basins containing 43% of the population is already considered deficit or highly deficit in regard of water availability.

 Last Update:4/16/2019 11:38:28 AM

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